Marilin Equihua » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Major Lynn Mokler School. We have a devoted and caring staff committed to providing students with a quality education in a safe and nurturing environment.
Mokler is also a Safe and Civil School. We believe that all students should have the opportunity to learn and play in a safe environment. This year, we will continue to prepare students to be productive, respectful, intelligent, dedicated and encouraging students. As you know, the California Department of Education recognized our hard work in supporting all students by awarding us with the California Gold Ribbon Award as well as the Title 1 Academic Achievement Award. Each year, we continue to show progress on the end of year state assessment- SBAC. With this dedication, we will continue to refine our teaching practices to make additional growth.
Parents play an integral part in children’s education. If you are interested in supporting our school, we invite you to become an active partner by joining the PTA or volunteering in the classroom. Please ask your child’s teacher ways to assist them or you may come into the office to pick up a VAPSS (Volunteers Assisting Paramount Students and Staff) application.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 562-602-6048.